M0.0NSHOT: The World’s First Net Zero Carbon Shoe


Since day one, we’ve been laser focused on reducing our carbon emissions. And only seven years in, we’ve reached an industry-changing milestone: the world’s first net zero carbon shoe.

The landmark net 0.0 kg CO₂e carbon footprint—versus a standard sneaker, which is about 14 kg CO2e based on our calculations—will be achieved without relying on a single carbon offset.

A First Look At A World’s First

On June 27th, 2023, the historic M0.0NSHOT was officially unveiled for the first time ever. During a keynote address at the Global Fashion Summit in Copenhagen, Denmark – the leading international forum for sustainability in fashion — we officially revealed the design of the world's first net zero carbon shoe, along with the RECIPE B0.0K – our open-sourced toolkit of how we got to net zero – to the industry at large.

How We Got To Zero

M0.0NSHOT is the culmination of years of work to reduce carbon across our business and products since day one.

In 2018, we created SweetFoam® (a midsole foam made from carbon negative, sugarcane-derived green EVA), which informed the new foam used in M0.0NSHOT. Then, in 2020, became the first fashion brand to label 100% of our products with carbon footprints. One year later, our partnership with adidas created a 2.94 kg CO₂e shoe, the lowest carbon footprint in the world at that time.

So, what was our natural next step? Shooting for the moon with a net zero carbon shoe, of course.

(Curious about the novel way we calculated 0.0 kg CO2e? Learn more here.)

A Milestone Made Possible By Mother Nature

As we started dreaming up a zero carbon shoe, we had a hunch that regenerative wool could be a key material to get us there. And that hunch was confirmed when we found Lake Hawea Station in New Zealand, a net zero carbon farm that produces superfine premium merino wool and sequesters more carbon than it emits. That’s largely thanks to their best-in-class development program focused on native plantings, ground clearing, new pasture species, and more.

Read all about their work here.

A Super Natural Approach From Start To Finish

Regenerative wool is just one piece of the puzzle. To bring M0.0NSHOT to zero, we also designed with:

Our carbon-negative, sugarcane-derived SuperLight Foam midsole that boasts 70% bio-based content, compared to most industry foams that are primarily synthetic material.

Carbon-negative bioplastic eyelets made from microorganisms that convert methane (the same element that comes from sheep burps) into a polymer that can be molded like plastics, without the corresponding carbon footprint.

The most carbon-efficient packaging we’ve ever had with reduced space and weight required to transport, and made with sugarcane-derived, carbon-negative Green PE.

Carbon-conscious transportation featuring biofuel powered ocean shipping and electric trucking from port to warehouse.

The Future Of Footwear Is Free For The Taking

M0.0NSHOT is one small footprint for a shoe, but could be one giant leap for the shoe industry. (Sorry, puns still exist in the future.) Sowe’re open-sourcing the toolkit that took it to zero, and inviting our friends in the industry to follow in our footsteps.